• "It sounds primitive."

    "The keys are very complex."

    "It feels breathless to play."

    These are the common stereotypes people have about the oboe. However, they are to me wonderful mysteries to uncover.

    If a student who knows nothing about the oboe were to approach me, I would introduce this instrument in an engaging and artistic manner. I would show them that the oboe is capable of performing the most irresistible and captivating music!

  • ”听起来像鸭子叫“





  • The oboe is mesmerising because of the vibrations it produces. Its rich and warm timbre and resonant tones resembles a good singer’s captivating voice.

    By adjusting lip pressure, breath control, and fingering technique, the performer expresses a wide range of musical emotions. The oboe can convey various emotions such as joy, sorrow, and passion, delivering the power and beauty of music to the audience.

  • 双簧管之所以如此令人着迷,是因为它的音色在众多乐器中是独一无二的。响亮、柔和而饱满的声音,仿佛是一位歌手在演绎着美妙的旋律。


  • The oboe is far from a simple instrument! For centuries, oboists have excelled in classical music, jazz, contemporary music, and more, showcasing a wide range of musical styles and expressive capabilities.

    The oboe is also appealing as a solo instrument, showcasing its unique qualities. The solo oboe can be heard in concertos by Richard Strauss, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and others, but also in the music of Mariah Carey, The Carpenters, Seal, Robbie Williams, and even ABBA.

    Although learning the oboe may present many challenges, it provides a sense of achievement and immersion that goes beyond mere conquering technical difficulty.

  • 双簧管可是一个 “不简单“的乐器!数百年来,无论是古典音乐、爵士乐、现代流行乐等,都可以让双簧管演奏家大放异彩。再加上双簧管曲子都有许多的独奏机会可以表现,这也凸显出了双簧管的独特之处。


