Howard Ng | 吴书琪
oboe reeds cover-03.png

Features 双簧片详情

  • Shape 形状:

    RC11, often narrowed when cane is soft, with 2 layers of wire wrapping to prevent excessive overlap and an opening that is too large.

    Staple 底座:

    Chiarugi #7, 42mm. Sometimes Glotin. I have found that #7 to work best in this style of reed making; a larger staple significantly raises the pitch in the higher range but may affect certain notes in the middle range; a smaller staple does the opposite.

    Scrape and gouge 哨片厚度:

    0.48 – 50mm with a tip length of 4 – 5mm

    Overall length 总长度:

    67 – 68mm

    Crow 音域:

    At the thread C – C#
    Playing position G# - Eb

    Pitch 音准:

    A – 442


A hand-crafted reed is an oboist’s double-edged sword; while reflecting their unique style and approach, it can also bring about functional challenges. To achieve an excellent performance, it's essential to use high-quality materials to make reeds that suits your instrument, physicality, and musical vision.

My meticulously crafted oboe reeds draw inspiration from the pedagogy and playing style of renowned Dutch oboist Bart Schneemann. They offer a captivating tonal quality, characterized by ease of articulation in all registers and the possibility of playing with little embouchure.


双簧管的音乐,很大程度依赖于好的双簧片 (reeds)。



因此,我决定亲手制作双簧片,不再套用他人的“思维”到自己的音乐风格上。对我而言,这是一种不愿被妥协(compromise) 的艺术,也是我对音乐追求的执着。

这些手作双簧竹片灵感源自于荷兰双簧管家(Bart Schneemann)的演奏风格,即为低音区容易发音、音色暗沉,是一种非常有魅力的风格。



If you are interested in my handmade reeds, please contact me for more details. 
